
Mailing address:

Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Gothenburg
Box 462
SE-405 30, Gothenburg, SWEDEN

Visiting address:

Medicinaregatan 7b
SE-413 90 Gothenburg, SWEDEN

Phone: +46 31 7869017

Applying for a postdoctoral position in the lab:

If you are interested in a postdoctoral position in the lab please contact Morten directly by e-mail. Please describe your interests, provide a CV and provide contact information to three referees. In general, postdocs will obtain their own fellowships.

Applying for a PhD position in the lab:

PhD positions are always advertised at the web-page of the university.

Openings for Master’s students:

If you are interested in doing your Master’s project in the lab please contact Morten directly by e-mail.